Hello all, i'm Joe and this will essentially be my research blog for CPR (creative project realisation - not the thing that helps people to breath)
So today we got told what we'd be doing for the year... basically we i have to research a topic i.e. genre or film related... thing that i'm interested in, then use that to inspire a film idea which we will then present at the end of the module...
My first reaction... i'm pretty exited now i understand what it is i'll be doing. Not sure what i'll research yet though, i'm interested in a lot of things such as: horror, action, sci fi. recently i have started thinking deeply into the realms of human imagination and the power of human imagination and how imagination is limitless, this goes deeper into dreams and the reality around us and the whole what is real debate. so maybe that might be a good place to start??
We've also been assigned our groups for the in lesson projects. I'm working with Joeley, Stella, Robin, Rob and Aaron. we've decided on using my idea for the first project - A girl is standing looking into a mirror, she is wearing a white dress and her hair is tied behind her head. however the reflection is the same girl in a demonic world, her hair is wet and in front of her face, she is pale. her dress is black and she has dirt covering her skin. blood is pouring out of her mouth and behind her a fire is blazing. she then reaches through the mirror and tries to pull the girl in the white dress through. the girl then wakes up on her bed, wearing the same white dress, however she is covered in blood.
So... watch this space and see what happens
bye for now :-)
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